Our Capabilities

Forward-Thinking Team Of Designers & Developers.

MOTHI ENGINEERING WORKS is the company found in 2017, which has a significant presence in key sectors of electrical industry of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra. As a consistently high performer, MEW is one of the most popular Electrical contracting companies in the TELANGANA.

Set up in 2017 to render electrical services to commercial building,
MEW soon branched out into other segments of Factories, Solar Power Plants,Transmission and Distribution of Power.

Our Team

Our LeaderShip

Mr. P. Vidhya Sagar

Managing Partner

David Suarez

CEO & Founder

Mrs. P Srilatha


our Vision and mission
Our Vision

Our vision at MEW is to be a trailblazing leader in Electrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, and Automation services, setting new standards of excellence in every sector we touch. We aspire to be the driving force behind the transformation and advancement of industries, ensuring a sustainable and technologically advanced future. 


Our vision at MEW is to be a trailblazing leader in Electrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, and Automation services, setting new standards of excellence in every sector we touch. We aspire to be the driving force behind the transformation and advancement of industries, ensuring a sustainable and technologically advanced future. 

Meet Our Visionary Founder: 


At Mothi Engineering Works, our journey is driven by the relentless passion and expertise of our founder, Vidya Sagar. With a career spanning over three decades, Vidya Sagar has been at the forefront of innovation and excellence in the field of engineering. Vidya Sagar embarked on his engineering journey in 1991 as a Junior Engineer. His early career was marked by dedication and a thirst for knowledge, as he worked with esteemed organizations such as Nava Bharat Ferro Alloys Ltd, Jidal, Lanco, and Madhucon. These experiences laid the foundation for his future success. Vidya Sagar's career took him to Zambia, where he worked on diverse engineering projects, gaining international exposure and expanding his knowledge. With a wealth of experience and a burning desire to make a difference in India's engineering landscape, Vidya Sagar returned to his homeland. In 2017, he embarked on a new chapter by co-founding Mothi Engineering Works with his partner, Srilatha. Mothi Engineering Works specializes in Operations and Maintenance (O&M) and power plant works, with a primary focus on electrical solutions. Their commitment to excellence and innovation has made them a trusted name in the industry. With a dedicated team of experts, Mothi Engineering Works excels in electrical works, including advanced panel installations, ensuring safe and efficient power solutions. Today, Vidya Sagar and Srilatha are on a mission to elevate the standards of engineering and power solutions in India. Their dedication, combined with their rich experience, sets them apart as leaders in the field.